You might not know these things related to group video calls on WhatsApp! 90 percent users are unaware of these rules

Do you know that you can connect with a blocked contact on WhatsApp through group video call. Yes, it is clearly stated in the guidelines of WhatsApp that a blocked contact can join you through a group video call. However, you cannot add a blocked contact to a group video call. Nor can a blocked contact add you to a group call.

Technology Desk, - WhatsApp is a popular app not only for chatting but also for file sharing and voice-video calling. You may also be using WhatsApp for voice and video calling.

You might not know these things related to group video calls on WhatsApp! 90 percent users are unaware of these rules

Do you know, the company has made some rules regarding group video calls on WhatsApp. Under these rules, a user can take advantage of the WhatsApp video call facility.

In this article, we are giving information about these rules made by WhatsApp, about which many users may be unaware-

Important things related to WhatsApp Group Video Call

Limit on adding users on video call

Only 32 users can join a video call on WhatsApp at a time.

Video turn off during video call

Every user gets the facility to turn off his/her video during a video call.

How to remove someone on video call

A contact cannot be removed during a video call. To delete a contact, the contact to be removed must disconnect the call.

There are also rules regarding blocked contacts 

 You can connect on WhatsApp group video call with a user whom you have blocked. Blocked contacts cannot be added to video calls. A blocked contact on WhatsApp cannot add a contact to a video call who has blocked him.

Why is the quality of video calls bad?

The quality of group video calls on WhatsApp is poor due to contacts with weak net connections. If everyone's internet connection is good then the video quality will be clear.

WhatsApp video calling service is not available on all phones

WhatsApp video calling facility is not available on all phones. WhatsApp video calling only works for Android version 4.1 or above.

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